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Blessing Rainy Day, A Mistaken Festival

Due to prayer made in the times of yore by gods and goddesses, the South Pole star of crystal water (Karma Rekhey) faces the cosmic Buddha Vairocana at Mount Meru for period of a week. In so doing, the nectar of auspicious blessing drizzles from the blue to the realms of beings to rinse out the sin of wrongdoings. This event happens once every twelve month but however the precise timing for the start of such auspicious episode is determined only by astrologers. During the week long period of showery blessing, all the water bodies of the universe are stirred with the ambrosia that can get rid of all the worldly impurities. This deletion of impurities shall not be limited only to Buddhist, but to all the sentient beings regardless of religion; it’s like a patient who is benefited not considering of whether she beliefs to the medicine or not. However, there would be slight distinction in the quality of merits gained depending on the strength of belief you cultivate during the event of receiving such blessing. 

The day mistakenly referred to as festival is celebrated in every home with pork and beef which is a shaggy dog story to the pains of Vairocana who sits on the petals of thousand Buddha. Some smartly shield their views by saying that the day besides being marked as ‘Blessing Rainy Day’ also coincide the end of monsoon and start of harvest for farmers because of which they, together with their folks enjoy the feast. Whatever be the reason, the day of great cosmic Buddha is now a platform for someone to swell their business by slaughtering thousands of childlike animals for quenching the thirst of many feast lovers. If it were the reason to bulge the belly of animal slayers then the gods and goddesses who prayed in the past for wanting such blessing day would unquestionably regret since their wish to delete the impurities of mankind served no purpose. 
Fig: Budhha Vairochana (PC: Ebay)
So, brothers and sisters let us analyze it carefully and start new tradition of spiritual practice at that particular day for the wellbeing of our-self and others. The gods and goddesses will be pleased to see the change in us, and inspired to make another similar prayer for our benefit in the days to come. HAPPY BLESSING RAINY DAY