Fig: Rahula (PC: Tibetan Spirit)
Many aeons ago (longer than the age
taken to wear a mountain by brushing with eagle’s wing), Drangsong (Rishi)
Zamita and his consort Trulmo Poding had a son named Lalar Chuzhi who took
monastic vows and dogged an ascetic life in the woods of Shing Laksha until
Prajna Kulu, the maid of King Ratna Siddha caught a glimpse of him. The son of
great sage was at that time invited in the palace as the royal priest by the
king. From then on Prajna Kulu became the fourth crowned head as recognition
from the king. But the green-eyed ministers falsely accused Lalar Chuzhi of
having affair with Queen Prajna Kulu, and the king had him burned alive in the
mountain of sandalwoods. Before he had his last breathe, he cursed to hit back
the king and ministers in seven days by reawakening as a monster. He also made
an aspiration statement that the four queens shall labor under his order to
tame the wrongdoers during the degenerating Kalpa. Seeing the insanity of the
king, the four queens could not stop throwing themselves into the pyre of
In accordance to
‘The Unprecedented Explanation of a Mere Portion of the Liberation Stories
of the Ocean of Oath-Bound Dharma Protectors’, the collected works of the 5th
Lelung Zhepai Dorje’s (1697-1740), Lalar Chuzhi was reborn at the base of gigantic
Mt Sumeru as a horrifying son called Khyab’jug Chenpo (Rahula) to Sinpo (male
cannibal earth spirit) Raksha Lokgi Trengwa and Lumo (serpent
spirit) Belgo Trakmikma. He was born with nine heads, nine
hearts, four arms, a frog body with wide open mouth at the belly, and a serpent
tail. He was born so giant that when he stands the deepest ocean reach only up
to his knees. Due to karmic connection, the four queens of King Ratna Siddha were
reborn as sisters of Rahula; Droksin Chusingyi Dongchen (crocodile faced rakshi),
Tak-Sinzorwe Dongchen (tiger faced rakshi), Kongsin Ba Langi Dongchen
(cow faced rakshi), and Bamsin Drekyi Dongchen (bear faced rakshi).
The settling of scores with King Ratna Siddha and ministers by Rahula is not the
subject matter of this article; rather it would give weight to Rahula and the
origins of Ngyenpa Guzom.
As per Baidurya Karpo, the 17th
century astrological writing of 6th Desi Sangye Gyatso (regent of 5th Dalai Lama), Rahula
is known by the name Nyima Nagchen. He was born as a union of non-dual mind of Yadud Dorje Lokthreng and Sasin Barma. Nyima Nagchen and
his siblings took separate routes during their journey around Mt Sumeru. On 7th
day of 11th month, he met his youngest
sister Bamsin Drekyi Dongchen (bear faced rakshi) and they had an incestuous relationship without recognizing
each other. As a consequence, the four elements
(earth, water, fire, and air) of the universe were contaminated and disturbed making
the day the most inauspicious one in the lunar datebook. The day was from then
on called as ‘Ngyenpa Guzom’ (meeting of nine evils). According to the
tradition, the term ‘nine’ signifies the sheer size of inauspiciousness rather
than representing the figure itself.
However, the secret tantra of ‘Zago
Nyimatro’ (Ferocious Planet called Wrathful Sun) has not the same story to tell.
Shinje Dope Gyelpo (Yama, the lord of desire) and Sinmo (female cannibal
earth spirit) Lokcham Barma had a son called Zago Nyima (Rahula). He lived at the
side of Yugandhara (Nyashingzin,
one of the seven golden mountains surrounding Mt. Sumeru) and Goddess Remati
(Queen of desire realm) to the northeast of Mt Sumeru. They were both drunk of
lust for love and agreed to meet in the north of Mt Sumeru. But, Goddess Remati
conspired to send Yakshi (Nature spirit) called Phaknadong (pig snout), the
daughter of Phakpa Dza (planet of pig) in disguise. At the time of departure, Phaknadong
revealed her true ugly face and Zago Nyima was angry for the by mistake sexual
intercourse. He called the assembly of eight classes of gods and demons (Mara,
Mamo, Naga, Ging, Rahula, Tsen, Raksha, and Yaksha) for aiding him to put
an end to the Goddess Remati. The malicious spirits meet every twelve months on
the same time i.e. on 7th day of 11th month, and destroy the
harvests and life force of the all God's creatures, and the day of such get-together
is known as Ngyenpa Guzom (Meeting of nine
In this day and age, no
such harm may befall during Ngyenpa Guzom for the reason that Rahula was converted
to an oath bound dharma protector after having been subdued by Heruka and Maha Guru.
Nevertheless, the day was inauspicious one from the time when the elements of
the universe were disturbed. However, the say that no good action shall bear
fruit of merits is a myth; any conducts shall be rewarded based on its drive. The
day may only barricade the practice not the result, it only cautions the initiation
of significant assignments. For example, if one begins meditation on the said day,
he or she may go through the troubles like ill health or laziness, and cannot fruitfully
reach to closing stage of meditation. On the other hand, he or she will be
deposited with good merits for the meditation done on the very same day. So,
one is advised not to make important decisions of our life which have long term
impact like start of husbandry, marriage, construction of house, beginning of
meditation, inaugural ceremonies and other celebrations. The actions of bigheartedness,
praying, saving lives, etc. can still be practiced during Ngyenpa Guzom. You are
requested to break the myth and continue the thirty seven ways of Bodhisattva
on Ngyenpa Guzom.
The day of /nyempa-guzom/ fell between the 6th and 7th day of the first month of the year of /Lo-Khor chu-nyi/ in the Nāmgyal tradition of Lāmaism as observed in Denjong. The Nāmgyal sect of Lāmasm is presently known as /Nyingmapa/.
ReplyDeleteThe story of the nine evils, it seemed, differed from people to people in the manner /Lungpa re-re-la Kecha re-re; Lāma re-re la Chhölug re-re/.